Sunday, August 2, 2009

NO ONE CAN HURT HIM ANYMORE / Carol J. Rothgeb & Scott H. Cupp

I Started this book on July 31, 2009 and finished it on August 2, 2009. That is a fast read for me. I find I am always able to read a book faster when I am intrigued by it. I have to rate this book a 5 on a scale of 1-5.

I like the way it was written. It flowed smoothly. Although the detectives and judges were mentioned, they were not overly done.

I liked the inclusion of witness interviews. I also like the format that was used in showing what the people said.

Most of all, I found this book interesting because it made me feel emotion. I don't think it can be said any better than the way the prosecutor, Joseph Marx put it, in his closing remarks.

"Last night, when I was staying up thinking about what I was going to say - and crumpling up paper - I had a recurring thought and it was this: That in today's society we've come to accept violence as a way of life. And we just accept that's the way it is.

"We turn on the TV when we get home and we turn on the news. This person has been shot. This person has been killed. This child has been kidnapped. And we just accept it because we can't do anything about it.

"It's hard to believe that people can be so cruel to one another. Sometimes this thing we call a trial - this search for truth and justice - is an ugly process.

"But the sad part of the story- and what's unfortunate - is that it's true and you can't turn your head and you can't change the channel.

"But you see, there's some good news here. Because this time it's your chance, as citizens and as jurors that you can do something. It reminds me of an old movie with Faye Dunaway and William Holden called Network. And everybody sticks their head out the window and shouts, 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!'

"And this is your chance. You send this defendant a message that you're mad as hell and you are not going to take this anymore. You're not! This is your opportunity. "

Reading this book made me mad as hell. I wanted to take this little boy home with me and show him that the world did have some good people in it. I wanted to love him. And all the time I was reading it I was thinking about how we all failed him. At some points I found myself thinking I was glad he finally died so now maybe he's somewhere he can find some happiness or at least be at peace. I found myself thinking God sent this little child to earth and gave people a chance to love it and then he finally gave up that anyone was going to and just said "That's enough, come home my child!"

The really sad thing about this crime book is that there are more and more being written about unloved, uncared for, abused, helpless children every day. God help us!


Yvette Kelly said...

Great Review.This book sounds heartbreaking.Hope you had a nice weekend!

Yvette Kelly said...

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